Neteru Her Ab Heart Meditation Series w/Seba Dja

Udja, Welcome to the Neteru Her Ab Heart Meditation Page

Here you will find recordings of this Nefer Meditation offered for free by Seba Dja


8-12-22 Neteru Her Ab Heart Meditation Series w/Seba Dja. Ra Creator Cosmic Principle 2660578a



8-19-22 Neteru Her Ab Heart Meditation Series w/Seba Dja. Aset, Cosmic Principle of Wisdom 2663431a


09-02-22 Neteru Her Ab Heart Meditation Series w/Seba Dja  Addendum to the 08-19-2022  2669065a

This video is short discourse based on the previous 08-19-2022 Aset Her Ab Meditation with emphasis on compassion, care and gratitude to/from your Intuitional Self to your Heru Spiritual Aspiration Self.



09-09-2022 Neteru Her Ab Aset Meditation Continued w/Seba Dja  2671441a



09 24 2022 Ra Creator Cosmic Principle “Her Ab” Heart Meditation w/Seba Dja: Ra Chapel. – 2677279a



09-30-2022 Neteru Her Ab Meditation w/Seba Dja  2680426a

Kemetic/Ancient Egyptian Mystical Spirituality HeartFelt Divinity (Neteru) Innermost Essence Meditation System Series. 

Today’s session focuses on the Creation Myth details that Ra, The Creator comes forth from Neberdjer, the Transcendental Consciousness, and also Ra, the Creator, through his body which is the Nun, the primeval ocean, then creates all objects in Creation. This affirms the mystic wisdom that the essence of Creation is Consciousness (mythically Ra-Creator “stuff”). Through the divinity Ra and the creation we as if have the essence of the mystic teachings encapsulated. There is a Transcendental All Encompassing Consciousness called Neberdjer in KMT Shetaut Neter, (although it is acknowledged that the Consciousness transcends name and form), and in a mystic “illusory” manner, this Consciousness as if emanates or manifests Creation by manifesting a Creator Consciousness called Ra or Khepera, which then manifests creation from himself. Thus Creation is just Consciousness, as seen/experienced through the limited mind and senses. 

2 Important points for reflection are:

1) Underlying oneness of essence of all Creation, including humans…everything is Ra-Consciousness stuff.

2) Underlying Creation, underlying the oneness that is the essence of all creation, is the ONE, the one Transcendental Self, the True Self. 

So, Ra or Khepera is as if the gateway/doorway to both having a harmonious and devotional experience with all Creation, since the essence (not the names and forms and egoistic expressions) is Consciousness, and also, Ra or Khepera is the pathway to transcend Creation and discover our True Transcendental Self (that we call Neberdjer).  We see both of these expressions in 2 popular KMT myths. In the Myth of Djehuty and Hetheru (Hathor), Hetheru forgets her true essence as being Ra’s dynamic power in Creation, just like incarnated humans, and acts very egoistic. She is reminded of her true essence, as the expression or Ra in Creation. She remembers and returns to Ra as being one with Ra, and thus the underlying oneness of Creation. Then there is a 2nd creation that details the inner journey from Ra to Neberdjer, and that is the Myth of Aset and Ra, where Aset must go through Ra to discover her all encompassing True Self, which in the myth is Ra’s True Name (what is also called Neberdjer), that has to be experienced.

So the themes of oneness and THE ONE are impressed in this program today. 

Books on the above myths by Dr Muata Ashby (available on amazon and other book stores): 

Mysteries of Isis and Ra

Glorious Light Meditation: Oldest System of Meditation in Human History from Ancient Egypt 



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